
Mozility PayERP Software

Intranets use Web servers to distribute information, and users view intranet content with the same Web browsers they would use on the Internet.


Mozility payERP is a Microsoft technologies-based solution with .NET in the frontend and MS SQL database in the backend.

The solution gets deployed on the Windows Server and can be accessed by the employees over the LAN/Wireless. Easy to update & manage: The internal network solution comes with a package of content editors which can be easily used by the employees and the content available can be modified by them at any time as per the need of them.

INTERNAL NETWORK SERVER: The dedicated intranet server is required for security, reliability, and speed and for this purpose, with the following minimum specifications.

Software Specifications


* Windows Server
* .NET Framework
* IIS Web Server
* MS SQL Server
* SMTP Server (Enabled in IIS)
* FTP Server (Enabled in IIS)

Minimum Hardware Specifications


* Xeon Server with 500 GB Hard disk space
* 32GB or above RAM with flexibility to upscale

VPN BASED ACCESS: For the users working remotely, a remote access virtual private network simply enables the secure access and the usage of the data in the data center and the application by encrypting all the traffic sent and received by the users.
In case the Internal Server is required to be accessed from multiple locations via a VPN then the bandwidth allocated for the application needs to be optimized in such a way that all users can have easy access to the same. Our dedicated team of engineers does time to time schedule bandwidth assessment for the implementation of the internal intranet network.


Clients will now have the option of cutting down on Infrastructure costs by subscribing to the hosted version of Mozility payERP. Pay as you use is the new Mantra.


Mozility payERP application follows a standard architecture for the development that helps to run the application fast, secure & error-free.



Rendering Engine: HTML 5 

Presentation Logic: IIS/ASP (.aspx, .ascx)

Business Logic/Data Logic:  .Net Assemblies, Web Services

Data Logic/Data Engine: SQL Server Database

LOAD BALANCING: The load balancing for our application depends on the server configuration. Higher the configuration of server less amount of time it takes for the execution of any process. It does not depend on the no. of users accessing the application. For different actions the request does not go to the server directly. The AJAX mechanism handles the request at the client server. This is the approach taken for scalability and availability as illustrated below:


Load Balancer Features

Let's fit this analogy with some of the primary roles of actual load balancers.

  • As the name suggests once of the primary role of the load balancers is to distribute the incoming request among the servers based on the configured load balancing algorithm.
  • Actively monitoring the health of the servers in the cluster to ensure the server is live. If a server is down then the load balancers will stop forwarding the requests until the server becomes live which ensures the high availability, reliability.
  • Facilitates adding/removing servers dynamically from the clusters and it balances the load accordingly without impacting the existing servers based on the demand which improves the scalability.
Want to learn more about Mozility payERP?

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