
Self-Service for employees to help themselves

With Self-Service, employees can submit their personal details, apply leave, log time and do a whole host of other actions.


Mozility payERP Employee Self Service Software

Let employees update their own information, and be sure you are getting the vital details. Set profile permissions so that employees can access the right fields and keep all information centralized and up to date.


Mozility payERP enables HR organizations by providing a single self-service portal for employees to find relevant HR information, and submit and track cases when they need help. HR enjoys a significant reduction in the amount of time spent triaging, routing, and completing service requests.  In addition, HR announcements, alerts, employee forms, and knowledge articles can be made available from within the portal, further lowering administrative costs and increasing employee satisfaction.

Mozility payERP ESS Features


  • Hotel Requisition, Travel Requisition, Taxi Requisition, and Loan Requisition.
  • Guest House Booking and Conference Room Booking
  • Material Gate Pass
  • Mobile Expenses
  • HR Data Synchronization with SAP and Excel Sheet
Help with Registrations
  • Attendance Card Integration with Shift Management
  • Leave Management and Short Leave System
  • Out Duty Pass
  • Stationary Request Form
  • Reimbursement Claim, Travel Claim, Local Conveyance Claim, Medical Claim, and LTA Claim
  • Employee Joining and Exit Work Flow
  • Asset Management
  • Visting Card and ID Card Request Form
  • Mobile, Sim, Data Card, and Printer Requisition
  • Employee Quarter and Half Yearly Nomination Form and Picnic Requisition Form
  • IT Requisition Form and Manpower requisition

Benefits of an Employee Self Service Software

When you have implemented a robust employee self service portal, there are a good number of chances to see a steep increase in productivity and efficiency. Imagine half of your activities are cut off from your to-do list. Imagine this happens every day. This is exactly what HR personnel will experience when your company has an ESS software in place.

Employees are empowered to make edits to their own personal information

HR teams can see a significant reduction in workload

Information errors
are minimized.

Information can be accessed anywhere and anytime